How to Resolve Subconscious Contradictions
How to Resolve Subconscious Contradictions


Our subconscious mind, a vast reservoir of emotions, memories, and beliefs, can sometimes harbor contradictory messages. These contradictions can lead to internal conflict, self-sabotaging behaviors, and difficulty achieving goals. Fortunately, there are ways to bring these hidden conflicts to light and work towards resolving them.


Understanding Subconscious Contradictions

What are Subconscious Contradictions?


Subconscious contradictions are conflicting beliefs, desires, or values that reside outside of our conscious awareness. They can be formed in childhood through experiences, parental messages, or societal conditioning. For example, someone may consciously desire success but subconsciously fear the responsibility that comes with it. This subconscious fear might then manifest as procrastination or self-doubt, hindering their ability to achieve their goals.


How Do Subconscious Contradictions Affect Us?


Subconscious contradictions can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including:


Self-sabotage: When our subconscious desires contradict our conscious goals, we might unconsciously engage in behaviors that undermine our progress. For instance, someone who wants to lose weight might subconsciously crave unhealthy foods, making it difficult to stick to a healthy diet.
Low self-esteem: Conflicting beliefs about ourselves can create confusion and negativity. Someone who believes they are "not good enough" might shy away from opportunities or downplay their accomplishments.
Anxiety and stress: The internal struggle created by conflicting desires can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress.


Identifying Subconscious Contradictions

While directly accessing the subconscious is impossible, there are ways to identify potential contradictions:


Pay attention to your self-talk: Our inner dialogue can reveal hidden beliefs. Notice any negative or self-limiting thoughts that come up consistently. For example, you might catch yourself thinking "I'll never be successful" or "I don't deserve happiness." These statements can point towards deeper subconscious beliefs holding you back.
Analyze your emotional responses: Strong negative emotions triggered by certain situations or people might point towards subconscious conflicts. Do you experience a surge of anxiety when presented with opportunities for advancement? Or perhaps you feel a pang of guilt when indulging in a hobby you enjoy? These emotional responses can be clues to hidden subconscious beliefs.
Journaling: Freewriting allows you to explore your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Patterns or recurring themes may emerge, revealing subconscious beliefs. For instance, you might notice a tendency to write about feelings of inadequacy or a fear of failure. These themes can be starting points for further exploration.


Techniques for Resolving Subconscious Contradictions

Cognitive Reframing


Cognitive reframing involves challenging and replacing negative or unhelpful thought patterns with more positive and empowering ones. By consciously reframing your subconscious beliefs, you can shift your emotional response and behaviors.


For example, instead of thinking "I'm not good enough," reframe it to "I am capable and I am always learning." This reframing challenges the negativity and emphasizes your potential for growth.


There are different techniques for cognitive reframing. You can try asking yourself questions to challenge the validity of the negative thought. For instance, "Is there any evidence to support this belief?" You can also reframe the situation by looking at it from a different perspective. Perhaps the situation you fear is actually an opportunity for growth.


Inner Child Work


Subconscious contradictions can often stem from unresolved childhood experiences. Inner child work, a therapeutic technique, allows you to connect with your younger self and address any emotional pain or negative messages received during that time. This can help heal old wounds and create a more integrated sense of self.


There are various approaches to inner child work. Some methods involve guided visualizations where you connect with your younger self and offer them comfort or support. Other techniques might involve journaling prompts that help you explore your childhood experiences and their impact on your present beliefs.


Inner child work can be a powerful tool for uncovering and healing from subconscious wounds. However, it's important to approach this process with self-compassion and gentleness. Consider seeking guidance from a qualified therapist trained in inner child work techniques.




Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for accessing and modifying subconscious beliefs. A qualified hypnotherapist can guide you into a relaxed state where you are more open to suggestion and positive change. During hypnosis, the therapist can plant suggestions that challenge negative subconscious beliefs and promote more empowering ones.


Hypnotherapy can be a helpful tool for those who find it difficult to access or change their subconscious beliefs on their own. However, it's important to find a reputable and certified hypnotherapist to ensure a safe and effective experience.



Subconscious contradictions are a normal part of the human experience. By understanding their potential impact and utilizing techniques like cognitive reframing, inner child work, and hypnotherapy, we can bring these hidden conflicts to light and work towards resolving them. This process can lead to greater self-awareness, improved self-esteem, and a more fulfilling life.


It's important to remember that resolving subconscious contradictions takes time and effort. There is no quick fix, and setbacks may occur along the way. However, with patience, self-compassion, and the right tools, we can heal our inner conflicts and create a more harmonious and empowered sense of self.


Additional Tips:


Seek professional support: If you are struggling to identify or resolve your subconscious contradictions on your own, consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor. They can provide a safe and supportive space to explore your inner conflicts and develop personalized strategies for healing.
Practice self-care: Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and well-being can help reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to connect with your subconscious mind. Try incorporating mindfulness practices, yoga, or spending time in nature into your daily routine.
Be patient and kind to yourself: Change takes time, and there will be setbacks along the way. Be patient with yourself, and celebrate your progress along the journey.
Remember, you are not alone in this process. Many people struggle with subconscious contradictions, and there are effective ways to overcome them. With dedication and self-compassion, you can heal your inner conflicts and create a more fulfilling life.